
Call for Entries – Project 1612 Film Festival

Entries are currently being accepted for the Project 1612 Film Festival hosted by Project 1612 in collaboration with Backspace Collective and the Renaissance Park Community Association of Peoria.  For information on how to apply please view the call online HERE.

Call for New Members

Backspace is currently accepting membership applications. Please e-mail up to five images or website, CV, and a cover letter to wearebackspace@gmail.com.  Cover letter should include your availability to assist with organizing and installing exhibitions, monthly meetings, committee work, as well as any other contributions you can make to the organization.  We currently give preference to Peoria-area artists.

Call for Exhibition Proposals

We are currently accepting proposals only for alternative spaces or situations in Peoria.  As a collective without an exhibition space, we are willing to work with existing arts organizations in Peoria, but encourage artists to consider pop-up shows or events that Backspace can facilitate.

If you are knowledgeable about the Peoria art scene and have an innovative proposal, please send the following to wearebackspace@gmail.com:

– a one-page proposal specifying scope of project
– at least 5 samples of each participating artist’s work or artist’s website
– cv for each participating artist
– artist statement

If you have submitted a proposal and have not heard back from us, we are keeping your materials on file for further consideration.